Thursday, December 19, 2013

Garfield County Rocks & Minerals

Stibnite is the most common ore found in Garfield County. In 1880, Indians first found Antimony in the form of Stibnite.  They tried to use it as lead because that's what they thought it was.  Stibnite usually contains small bits of iron, silver and gold.  The surface parts are usually dark colored.

Conglomerate is a Sedimentary Rock. It is a well rounded gravel that is made of clay and sand. It is held together by other natural cementing agents.

Lehigh conglom.jpg

There is a place called Wolverine Petrified Wood Area in Garfield County.  There are large amounts of petrified wood just laying around there.  The wood was formed by forests that grew in swampy marshes. Over time, thousands of layers of rock buried the trees and they became petrified.

Petrified Wood

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